Online Connect Card

If you're new to Sojourn, we're eager to get you connected! Our online connect card helps us to collect a bit of information from you, and from that point, one of our staff members will be in touch with you soon to help walk you through the initial steps of getting connected with our community here at Sojourn.

Neighborhood Parishes

Sojourn's Neighborhood Parishes are the best way to get connected to life at Sojourn. They are groups of men, women, and children who are learning to follow Jesus – growing together, loving one another, and blessing their neighbors. At minimum, each Neighborhood Parish gathers weekly to share a meal, and first-time visitors are always welcome! Click the button below for more information on neighborhood parishes.

Membership Class

By God's design, Christians depend upon one another for growth and effectiveness. The Church is a tangible expression of the body of Christ (Ephesians 3:10-11), so joining a local church identifies us with Christ and provides a communal context for pursuing obedience to God. We hold membership classes 3 to 4 times a year. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about Sojourn's vision, beliefs, and methods. If you register, you're in no way obligated to join.


All those who come to faith in Jesus are invited to the waters of baptism. The sacrament of water baptism is a beautiful celebration and picture of the gospel, and it is required for entrance into covenant membership with the Sojourn Heights church family. In most cases, Sojourn will recognize previous baptisms, including infant baptisms. Please click below to express interest in baptism.