“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
– Jesus (Matthew 19:14)
At Sojourn, we believe children are valuable members of the church family. They bring joy and life to the congregation, and they help adults to understand the love of the Father and the meaning of childlike faith. Sojourn Kids is passionate about partnering with families to raise kids who love and trust Jesus. Our dedicated team ensures that children are cared for and taught simple, biblical truth in a safe, loving environment.
9:00am Pre-gathering: 1st-6th Grade
10:30am Gathering: Ages 4 months - 5 years
We currently teach from The Gospel Project For Kids.
Dear Parents,
On behalf of our Sojourn Kids team, we're honored to be entrusted with the care of your children on Sundays. We value your children and want to provide an environment that is safe and nurturing so that they can actively learn about the God who loves them. We have established the Volunteer Handbook and Parent Handbook (above) to protect not only our children, but also our volunteers and Sojourn’s mission. These rules will be strictly enforced. If you have any questions or concerns not addressed in the handbook, please feel free to contact us below!
Michelle Craig, Sojourn Kids Director