Journey with us to the cross of Jesus.
Lent is a season within the Christian calendar that leads us on the journey toward the death and resurrection of Jesus. In Jesus, we are not alone in our sufferings.
Download the Lent Guide below as we practice Scripture, Prayer, and Fasting in this season, to read and pray through. Our ultimate aim is to reflect meaningfully upon the death and resurrection of Christ, and our union with Him, while pursuing holiness.
Here are some of the practices to help engage your heart with the Word of God in this season:
Reading Scripture before phone,
Kneeling prayer at morning and bedtime, and
Fasting from certain meals and certain comforts.
Share with your Neighborhood Parish
Once having downloaded the Lent Guide, share with your neighborhood parish, what Bible passages will you be reading before picking up your phone in the mornings? What prayer method will you be praying as part of your kneeling prayer time (A.C.T.S., etc.)? What will you be fasting? How often are will you fast? And, what will you feast on while you fast?
If you’d are interested in other options, the link below will lead you to the Lent Devotional put forth by Sojourn Spring Branch.